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Everything you should know about

‘Thanksgiving,’ the Sankranthi festival of the United States.

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One of the biggest holidays in the United States of America is Thanksgiving. Like Sankranti and Pongal in India, it has been celebrated as a harvest festival since the sixteenth century.

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The 16th century English immigrants who used to cultivate their own food crops in the United States were the ones who initially observed the event. With their family, they have had the first harvest meal, which they have named “Thanksgiving.”


People give thanks to the almighty god for the bountiful harvests of the preceding year. Later, the celebration spread throughout the United States and a few other countries.

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Annual Holiday

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On October 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln, the late president of the United states, declared thanksgiving as the annual national holiday.

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Thanksgiving Date & Day

Thanksgiving is observed annually on the fourth Thursday of November in the US.

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Special Dish

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The families gather and celebrate Thanksgiving with a special turkey dish. Cooking turkey on Thanksgiving is a tradition in the US.

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A day before Thanksgiving is celebrated as "Pre-Thanksgiving Eve." The day after Thanksgiving is celebrated as "Black Friday."

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Pre-Thanksgiving Eve & Black Friday

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Black Friday is the biggest shopping day for the US population. All the companies and brands offer huge discounts on their products.

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By the first Monday after Thanksgiving, most Americans will finish their Christmas shopping.

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‘NFL’ the American football match is played on Thanksgiving. This is one of the most lucrative sports leagues in the world.

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American Football

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Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in America, there will be a lot of music concerts, events, and parades.

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Other Celebrations