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KTR is one of the top 30 social media influencers in the world.

A list of the most influential people on social media was released on the occasion of the World Economic Forum. Telangana IT Minister KTR secured  a place in the top 30. Let's take a look at some of the people on the Top-10 List.

The Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg is known for her work in the field of protecting and creating awareness about climate change and environmental issues. She topped the list of influential people on social media.

Greta Thunberg

Vanessa Nakate from Uganda stands second on the list. Vanessa has many environmental-related issues like climate change and pollution. She has shed light on the drastic increase in temperature in her homeland.

Vanessa Nakate

Helena Gualinga from Ecuador is ranked third on this list. Helena works for environmental protection and human rights. This 20-year-old woman is campaigning for women's rights through social media.

Helena Gualinga

Nazanin Boniadi is number 5 on this list. This Iranian-British actress became popular as an activist; she speaks for women's rights in Iran and takes part in humanitarian activities in the UK and Iran.

Nazanin Boniadi

Some of the big multinational companies have made the top 10 list; they are

World Economic Forum        - 4 Davos                                             - 6 Hedera                                           - 7 The Female Quotient              – 8 Marsh McLennan                      - 9 Zurich Insurance                      - 10

KTR, the IT Minister of Telangana, is ranked 12th on the list.KTR is known for his service to his people who are in need; he actively uses social media and responds to people's concerns.


He emerged as one of the most influential young leaders in India. The Telangana IT Ministry's Twitter account also ranked 22nd in the list.