Starring Ram Pothineni and directed by Puri Jagannadh, the upcoming film ‘Double Ismart‘ is scheduled for a grand release on August 15. However, since the release date was announced, the movie team has encountered several issues. The entry of Ravi Teja’s ‘Mr. Bachchan‘ into the August lineup and demands from ‘Liger‘ distributors to settle their losses have posed significant challenges for the team. Additionally, recent rumors suggest there is discord between the hero, Ram, and director Puri. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this alleged cold war.
Ram’s Dissatisfaction!
After the success of ‘Ismart Shankar’ at the box office, a sequel titled ‘Double Ismart’ was developed by the Ram-Puri combo. Although the movie is set to release on August 15, recent developments have reportedly left hero Ram dissatisfied. The ‘Liger’ controversy and distribution issues in Nizam, along with producer Charmee not starting promotions, have frustrated Ram. It’s speculated that these conflicts led to Puri’s absence from the trailer launch event on Sunday. The event, where Ram had to promote the movie solo, has become a hot topic in Tollywood.
Puri’s Explanation!
Director Puri released a video statement regarding his absence at the ‘Double Ismart’ trailer release event. He explained that he was in Mumbai for the final mixing required for the censor board and couldn’t attend the event. He expressed his regret about missing the event, but netizens are skeptical about these claims. The absence of a director at such a crucial trailer launch, supposedly due to a rift with Ram, is being questioned by many. If ‘Double Ismart’ turns out to be a super hit, it might automatically bridge the gap between them, suggest some netizens. Despite widespread speculation on social media about their disagreements, the film unit has not clarified the situation.
How was the trailer?
The trailer of ‘Double Ismart’, released on Sunday, was exactly as expected, filled with mass action and raw dialogues. Ram dazzled with his trademark energetic action, mass dialogues, and dance moves. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt plays the villain ‘Big Bull’, whose brain memory is transferred into Shankar’s (Ram Pothineni) brain, a key element highlighted in the trailer. Director Puri Jagannadh has taken the chip concept from Ismart Shankar to a new level with a brain memory transfer in Double Ismart, raising expectations for the film.
Mr. Bachchan’s Aggressive Promotions!
Compared to the ‘Double Ismart’ team, the ‘Mr. Bachchan’ team is actively engaging in promotions, conducting consecutive press meets to reach the audience. Promotions generally impact a movie’s opening, and analysts are surprised at the lack of initiative from ‘Double Ismart’ given the importance of such promotions. With ‘Mr. Bachchan’ entering the race on August 15, is Puri feeling the pressure? This is under speculation. There are doubts about whether Puri is anxious about the movie’s outcome.
Backing Down Not an Option?
It seems the ‘Double Ismart’ team tried everything to avoid a clash with ‘Mr. Bachchan’ on August 15. They reportedly requested the Bachchan team to delay their release, but were turned down. In this context, producer Charmee recently blocked Ravi Teja and director Harish Shankar on social media, according to reports.