• K. V. Reddy
    Place: Tellamitta Palle, near Tadipatri, Anantapuram district, British India (now Andhra, India)
    Kadiri Venkata Reddy, known as K.V. Reddy, is celebrated as a golden era director in the Telugu film industry. Critics regard his films as gems of Telugu cinema. He directed 14 films, out of which 10 were commercial successes. His direction in classics such as "Patala Bhairavi" , "Pedda Manushulu" , "Mayabazar" , "Donga Ramudu" , "Sri Krishnarjuna Yuddham" , "Jagadeka Veeruni Katha" and "Satya Harishchandra" is highly acclaimed. K.V. Reddy received numerous awards, including the Filmfare Award for Best Director for "Sri Krishna Satya", and his films "Pedda Manushulu" and "Pellinaati Pramanalu" were recognized as the best Telugu films at the national level. K.V. Reddy introduced a unique style to Telugu cinema and was meticulous in his approach to filmmaking, insisting on perfection. He was known for his thorough preparation before starting a film, focusing on script, casting, and design. His methodologies later served as a guide for many filmmakers.

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