Prabhas stars in the pan-India film directed by KGF fame Prashanth Neel, titled ‘Salaar: Part-1 Cease Fire’. Released last December, the film achieved tremendous success at the box office, grossing over ₹700 crores. However, the movie is now making waves on OTT. Since January 20, Salaar has been streaming on Netflix and has become one of the top-10 movies. Originally available in Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada, Salaar is now accessible globally in English (Salaar English On Netflix).
‘Salaar’ Goes Global!
Netflix recently made the English version of Salaar available (on February 5), announcing its streaming for a global audience due to high demand. With the English version’s release on Netflix (Salaar English On Netflix), Salaar has the opportunity to make an even bigger impact globally, with potential to trend in many countries and further elevate Prabhas’s name worldwide.
English Version Goes Viral
With Salaar streaming in English, the movie’s highlight scenes are going viral online. Prabhas fans are sharing these scenes on their social media accounts using the hashtag #SalaarEnglishOnNetflix. Salaar had already made a significant impact globally even before its English version release, with many people from various countries watching the movie with English subtitles and posting praises on social media. The trend “Salaar Goes Global” was notably popular on social media at the time.
When Will it Be in Hindi!
However, the Hindi version of Salaar (Salaar English On Netflix) is yet to be available on Netflix. There has been no update from the streaming services regarding this. It is reported that the Hindi version’s delay is due to a 90-day waiting period from the movie’s release date to its OTT debut. But, there is a possibility that Salaar’s Hindi version might be available in March, with official announcements expected soon from Netflix.
Prabhas Stands Tall Against Shah Rukh Khan!
Salaar and Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki, both released last December, competed at the box office. Salaar outperformed Dunki in collections, showcasing Prabhas’s immense popularity in North India. Salaar’s Hindi version reportedly grossed around ₹170 crores.
Shooting for Salaar 2?
A sequel to Salaar (Salaar Part 2: Shouryaanga Parvam) is also in the works. Reliable sources indicate that shooting for the sequel is expected to start this summer, with Prabhas having allocated two months for filming. The film unit is making preparations to release the second part of Salaar on December 22, following the start of shooting in the summer. More updates on this are anticipated soon.