Ganapathi (Allari Naresh), a bachelor in his forties, has experienced numerous unsuccessful matchmaking attempts, totaling a "half-century." Despite his attempts, his age and the presence of a married brother have kept him single. One day, he falls in love with Siddhi (Faria Abdullah) from her profile on a matrimonial site, only to discover that she has been misleading men. What is the reality behind her actions? Do Ganapathi and Siddhi find a way to be together? That is the story.
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2024 May 317 months ago
The movie "Aa Okkati Adakku" is streaming on Amazon Prime from today (May 31).
YouSay Review
Aa Okkati Adakku Review: Vintage Allari Naresh is Back.. Is ‘Aa Okkati Adakku’ a hit?
The new movie starring Allari Naresh and Faria Abdullah, ‘Aa Okkati Adakku‘, directed by Malli Ankam, has generated anticipation as Allari Naresh more
How was the movie?
Allari Naresh
as GanaFaria Abdullah
Vennela Kishore
Harsha Chemudu
Ariyana Glory
Malli AnkamDirector
Rajiv ChilakaProducer
Gopi Sundar
Chota K. PrasadEditor
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