Starring Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur, the latest film ‘Family Star’ is directed by Parasuram, known for the classic hit ‘Geetha Govindam’. The film unit, consistently providing updates, recently released a song promo that is particularly captivating music lovers. The promo is going viral on social media with the hashtag #FamilyStar.
This Song is My Favorite: Vijay
The film team released the first song promo on Monday night, which has grabbed everyone’s attention with the line ‘Nanda Nandanaa’. The melodic BGM is mesmerizing everyone. The full song, to be released tomorrow (Wednesday), has increased expectations. Anantha Sriram wrote the song, sung by Sid Sriram, making the song highly anticipated. Vijay shared the song promo on his Instagram with a caption indicating his affection for it and promising it will become everyone’s favorite by the 7th. Gopi Sundar is providing the music for the film.
Mrunal Wins Hearts!
In the song promo, heroine Mrunal Thakur shines brilliantly, winning fans’ hearts. After ‘Sita Ramam’, Mrunal is seen in a traditional look that Telugu audiences adore. Even in this short 28-second promo, Mrunal’s impact hints at how mesmerizing her role will be in the full movie, raising anticipation among fans for her portrayal.
In Place of ‘Devara’…!
The film unit has clarified that ‘Family Star’ will be released on April 5, as announced by Vijay Deverakonda through social media. Initially, Jr NTR‘s ‘Devara’ was scheduled for release on the same day, but delays in shooting have pushed its release, allowing ‘Family Star’ to fix this date for its launch. The film is produced by Dil Raju, with Vijay Deverakonda aiming to continue his success after ‘Kushi’ with ‘Family Star’.
Just One Dialogue Creates Massive Hype!
A glimpse of ‘Family Star’ created significant buzz among the audience, especially Vijay’s dialogue, “Why should I iron?” which went viral on social media. Many social media influencers made reels based on this dialogue, bringing the movie closer to netizens. This has sparked curiosity about whether Vijay will play a feminist role in the movie.
Exciting Update on the Movie’s Story!
There’s buzz around the story of ‘Family Star’, rumored to be similar to the storyline of Megastar’s movie ‘Gang Leader’. Like ‘Gang Leader’, which revolves around three brothers, ‘Family Star’ is said to feature Mrunal Thakur moving into Vijay’s house as a tenant. It’s hinted to be a heroine’s revenge story, with Vijay supporting her in the end. To find out if this story is true, we must wait until April 5.