Telugu movies in particular, from South India, have recently dominated the Hindi box office. The most recent example is “Karthikeya-2,” however no Hindi movie has recently done well in Telugu markets. There are a variety of causes for this, but Bollywood’s latest visual feast, “Brahmastra,” aims to change the destiny of the Hindi film industry.
The name “Brahmastra” is really popular right now. Tomorrow is the film’s premiere in theaters. This movie is making a tonne of advance reservations. The bookings have already grossed 10 crore mark, which is an exceptional figure for a bollywood film in recent times.
Strong bookings are being made for “Brahmastra” even in Telugu states. In Telangana and Andhra Pradesh multiplexes, the shows are completely sold out. Along with “Brahmastra,” Sharwanand’s “Oke Oka Jeevitham” will be launched in theaters tomorrow, but its box office take is far lower than “Brahmastra.” “Oke Oka Jeevitham” future heavily relies on word of mouth.
It’s interesting to see a Bollywood film having huge buzz in Telugu states. Let’s see how things work out for ‘Brahmastra’ and ‘Oke Oka Jeevitham.’
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