The latest film starring Vishwak Sen, directed by Vidyadhar Kagita, ‘Gaami‘, released as a Shivaratri gift on Friday, is making waves at the box office. Vishwak Sen’s ‘Gaami’ has caught everyone’s attention with remarkable collections compared to his previous films. After nearly six years of effort by the film unit, the results are now being reaped. How have the collections been by the weekend? Is the news about the film entering profits true? Let’s examine this article.
Gaami Weekend Collections Are Here!
‘Gaami’, made with an experimental story, achieved a gross collection of Rs. 20.3 crores in three days. The film unit revealed this information through a poster. According to the makers’ calculations, the film collected over Rs. 9 Crores on the first day, Rs. 6 Crores on the second day, and over Rs. 5 Crores on the third day. The collections of ‘Gaami’ reaching this range in three days are quite interesting. From the second day itself, discussions in cinema circles suggest that the movie has entered profits in many areas, and everything coming forward seems to be profit only. Since no significant films are releasing this week in theaters, it’s guaranteed that this movie will collect many more crores.
Has Gaami collections breakeven?
‘Gaami‘, featuring Vishwak Sen as the lead, has done well in terms of business in the Telugu states. According to trade figures, the movie did a theatrical business of Rs. 3.50 crores in Nizam, Rs. 1.20 crores in Ceded, and a total of Rs. 3.50 crores across all areas in Andhra Pradesh, amounting to a pre-release business of Rs. 8.20 crores. Karnataka plus, Rest of India plus, and Overseas rights were sold for Rs. 2 crores. Thus, the global pre-release business amounted to Rs. 10.20 crores. Looking at Sacnilk’s figures, the movie has already collected a net Rs. 8.91 crores. With an additional Rs. 1.31 crores in net collections expected on the fourth day, the film has a chance to officially enter profits from today.