The latest film featuring Telugu star hero Mahesh Babu, directed by the wizard of words Trivikram Srinivas, titled “Guntur Kaaram,” has caught the attention of family audiences since its release this Sankranti. Despite mixed reactions, it managed to secure good collections at the box office, showcasing its strength in theaters for about three weeks. As of midnight (February 9), the movie has made its way to OTT platforms, streaming on Netflix, prompting netizens to share highlight scenes from “Guntur Kaaram” extensively online, trending under the hashtag #GunturKaaramOnNetflix.
Streaming in Five Languages
Released in theaters on January 12, in conjunction with Sankranti (Guntur Kaaram On Netflix), the film, despite receiving mixed reviews on its opening day, managed to break even in some areas thanks to the support of family audiences. However, with waning theater enthusiasm, the film debuted on Netflix even before a month had passed. Initially only released in Telugu in theaters, the film is now available in five languages on OTT platforms, including Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam, making “Guntur Kaaram” a trending topic across India.
Hanuman Outshines Mahesh!
“Guntur Kaaram” movie witnessed record-breaking collections on its first day, thanks to the combined star power of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas, with a gross of Rs. 90 crores and a share of Rs. 55 crores, setting a new record in the non-Pan India category for highest first-day earnings. However, the film faced stiff competition from the simultaneously released movie “Hanuman,” which received overwhelmingly positive reviews, overshadowing “Guntur Kaaram.” Despite this, Mahesh Babu’s popularity ensured respectable collections for “Guntur Kaaram.”
Criticism Over Trivikram!
The movie “Guntur Kaaram” (Guntur Kaaram On Netflix) did not quite appeal to Mahesh’s fans, leading to criticism towards director Trivikram Srinivas. Fans were disappointed, arguing that even with a hero like Mahesh Babu, the film revolved around a single-line story and expressed frustration that the narrative was based solely on a non-existent relationship between mother and son. They felt that more attention should have been given to Mahesh’s mass look, story, and screenplay to make the film more engaging. Overall, fans were dissatisfied, feeling that the movie did not live up to the images of Mahesh Babu and the standards of Trivikram Srinivas.
Collections, How Much?
Regarding the box office collections of “Guntur Kaaram” (Guntur Kaaram On Netflix), it has reportedly amassed Rs.126.47 crores net worldwide (over Rs. 200 crores gross), according to the Sacnilk website. Before its release, the film did a pre-release business of Rs.132 crores and faced a break-even target of Rs.133 crores during the Sankranti season. However, falling short of its goal by Rs.8 crores, “Guntur Kaaram” ended its run, which is notable considering it achieved this level of collections amidst negative talk.