The Hanuman movie, released during Sankranti, is riding high on audience appreciation, breaking several box office records. Viewers are claiming that the climax of the movie is sure to give goosebumps. The final 20 minutes of the film have been particularly stirring since its release. A recent video (Hanuman Viral Video) validating these claims has surfaced and is now going viral on the internet.
Bizarre Behavior of a Woman
While watching the climax of Hanuman, a woman started behaving strangely, as if possessed. This incident left the audience in shock, and efforts were made to bring her back to a normal state. The related videos are circulating on social media.
Divine Possession?
The incident reportedly occurred at the Asian Mall in Uppal. Locals say the woman started behaving as if in a trance while watching a song towards the end of the Hanuman movie. Netizens, having seen the video, are commenting their opinions. Some suggest that a deity might have possessed her, hence her behavior, reminiscent of how some people act when possessed by village deities.
Or a Malevolent Force?
Other netizens have a different take. They suggest that negative energy in her body might have surfaced suddenly while watching the movie. Comments are being made that this malevolent force could have been expelled due to the influence of Hanuman. These two differing theories are leaving many confused.
The Truth Revealed!
The current buzz on social media turns out to be baseless. It’s been found that the woman suddenly had a seizure while watching the movie. This led to her erratic behavior, and she returned to normal after a short while. This truth came out after the video went viral, leading to varied opinions.
Racing Towards 300 Crores
Regarding the Hanuman movie (Hanuman Collections), it has already grossed over 250 crores and is swiftly moving towards the 300 crore mark. With the ongoing Hanuman mania in theaters, film analysts believe it will reach the 300 crore gross this week. Meanwhile, director Prashant Varma is focusing on the sequel, working on the script for ‘Jai Hanuman’.