Five men gang-raped a young woman as she returned from a pub in Hyderabad on May 28. Under the guise of dropping her off, the men picked her up from Amnesia pub and took turns raping her. This was discovered after the victim’s father filed a police report following the discovery of injury marks on her neck. While investigating the case, police have arrested two juveniles and are looking for three more people.
Police arrested a third person, Saduddin Malik (18), and believe there are three minors and two majors involved in this heinous crime.
Police have apprehended a total of three suspects and are looking for two more.
Police have apprehended two minors and one adult and are looking for two more suspects. The police have begun looking for two more men who are believed to be involved in the case. According to the police, the accused may have fled to Karnataka and, in order to confuse the police, they dropped their phones on a bus bound for Goa.
Police say MLA’s son is not an accused
The police have said that the MLA’s son is not an accused in the gang-rape case in Hyderabad. They have also said that they are investigating the case and are looking for the other accused. On the other note, BJP says the son of one of its ruling party MLAs was present in the Benz car and they released the photos backing their claim and they demand the CBI probe into the case. The Congress MLA Seethakka has also demanded that the accused be punished harshly and that the police handle the case properly and she also asks why the government is mum on the case.
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