Mahesh Babu is still unhappy with Trivikram’s script for his upcoming film, SSMB28. Mahesh insists on script changes, and Mahesh Babu is growing increasingly wary, having recently discovered that bringing people to theatres is no longer easy unless the film is excellent.
The film’s production is set to begin in August, but Mahesh Babu fans want it to begin as soon as possible so that Mahesh Babu’s film with Rajamouli can begin. Mahesh Babu is very picky about scripts and prefers to work on only one project at a time.
Pooja Hegde was cast as Mahesh Babu’s co-star in this film. Prior to this, Mahesh and Trivikram worked together on two films: Athadu (2005) and Khaleja (2006).
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