Another Malayalam blockbuster is set to greet the Telugu audience, having already clinched the title of an industry hit in Malayalam. The movie ‘Manjummel Boys,’ which was released in Kerala last February, has captured attention nationwide. With an increasing interest in Malayalam cinema among Tollywood audiences, there’s eagerness about when this film will make its Telugu debut. The release date for the Telugu dubbing of ‘Manjummel Boys’ has now been set.
The Telugu Release Date is Here!
Mythri Movie Makers have acquired the Telugu dubbing rights for ‘Manjummel Boys.’ The Telugu version’s work is nearing completion, and the production house has announced that the film will be released in Telugu states on April 6th. A poster has also been released, stating, “The highest-grossing Malayalam film ‘Manjummel Boys’ is now coming to entertain the Telugu audience.”
Will it Break the Records of Premalu?
The Malayalam superhit ‘Premalu‘ was released in Telugu on March 8 and achieved significant success, grossing over Rs. 15 crores, thereby setting a record as the first Malayalam dubbed film to achieve such high collections in Telugu. There’s speculation in Tollywood circles whether ‘Manjummel Boys’ will surpass this record. Given that ‘Manjummel Boys’ is a survival thriller with a universal subject, it is anticipated to perform well in Telugu. However, whether it will reach the collection levels of ‘Premalu’ remains to be seen.
Grossing Over Rs. 200 Crores
Directed by Chidambaram, the survival thriller ‘Manjummel Boys’ is based on a real incident that occurred in 2006. The film created a sensation upon its release in Malayalam, grossing over Rs. 200 crores. It also did well in Tamil Nadu following its recent release there. The film stars Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi, Lal Jr, Deepak Parambol, and Abhiram Radhakrishnan, with music by Sushin Shyam.
The Plot of the Movie
Delving into ‘Manjummel Boys,’ the story follows a group of friends from Kochi who embark on a trip to Kodaikanal. Learning about the ‘Gun Guha,’ they are intrigued and decide to explore it despite being warned by their guide not to venture into prohibited areas. Ignoring the warnings, all friends enter the cave, and in the process, one of them, Subhash, falls into a hole. What happens next? Is Subhash alive inside the cave? What do the ‘Manjummel Boys’ do to rescue their friend? The rest of the story unfolds the adventure.