The trailer for young actor Vishwak Sen’s upcoming movie “Dhamki” was unveiled by senior Nandmuri Balakrishna at the AMB mall yesterday.Initially, it was thought that “Dhamki” was a continuation of “Falaknuma Das,” however director and actor Vishwak Sen subsequently clarified that this was not the case.
Balakrishna provided some intriguing insights regarding his next ventures. The actor mentioned that he had previously wanted to direct the movie “Narthanasala,” but for some reason it never happened. He recognised Vishwak from the present generation for his ability to direct films, noting how uncommon it is to find someone with such potential.
The “Veera Simha Reddy” actor praised Vishwak for making it this far in the business and added that acting and directing are difficult jobs that can only be carried out by a select few people, and Vishwak is one of them. It’s wonderful to witness a young person acting, directing, and producing his own movies. Additionally, he sent him his best wishes for the film “Dhamki.”
As he was drawing to a close, Balayya disclosed something that none of us had anticipated: he would be in charge of directing the sequel of his iconic blockbuster “Aditya 369.” “Aditya 999 Max” will be the project’s name. Social media is buzzing with news of Balakrishna’s unexpected announcement. Social media is buzzing with news of Balakrishna’s unexpected announcement.
The “Dhamki” trailer, to be honest, doesn’t seem all that fantastic; Vishwak Sen’s utilization of a double role format seems too formulaic. We’ve recently seen movies with similar plots, such “Goutham Nanda” and “Gentleman.” In February 2023, the movie is scheduled for release.