The latest film featuring mega hero Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar, ‘Operation Valentine,’ was released last Friday amid high expectations. Varun Tej, playing a fighter pilot, delivered a commendable performance, leading many to anticipate no looking back for the film at the box office. However, the first weekend collections were surprisingly dismal. The movie only managed to rake in about 6 crores during the crucial first weekend.
Breaking Even Seems Difficult!
‘Operation Valentine,’ based on the Indian Air Force, naturally attracted considerable attention. With enticing trailers, teasers, and promotional materials, the film did good business even before its release. It’s noteworthy that the theatrical rights of the movie were sold for 17 crores. Given the positive buzz from the first show, many expected the film to easily break even. However, the first weekend’s collections have dashed those expectations, raising doubts about whether it will manage to break even at all.
Occupancy Never Exceeded 50%!
The film ‘Operation Valentine’ was extensively promoted by Varun Tej and the entire film unit. Regular updates and posters related to the movie kept the audience engaged. Despite being released simultaneously in Telugu and Hindi, the film never managed to surpass 50% occupancy in either language. Negative reviews from the first show further impacted the film’s performance. The air force action entertainer ‘Operation Valentine’ failed to resonate with the Telugu audience.
Is ‘Fighter’ the Reason?
Recently, the Hindi film ‘Fighter,’ starring Hrithik Roshan and also based on the Indian Air Force, was released. Both films, set against the backdrop of the Pulwama attack and India’s subsequent retaliation, were released close together. This timing resulted in ‘Operation Valentine’ failing to gain much traction in Bollywood. Varun Tej, who has been waiting for a hit, found disappointment with ‘Operation Valentine’ in both Telugu and Hindi.
Did the Movie Shoot Itself in the Foot?
Despite a good setup, action episodes, and Varun Tej’s acting in ‘Operation Valentine,’ the film lacks strong emotion. The movie seems to superficially address the Air Force’s efforts in conducting a surgical strike. The love story between the hero and heroine also didn’t resonate well. Many common audiences found it hard to understand the dialogues used by air force officers in the movie. Additionally, the graphics seem compromised in places. Analysts believe these factors negatively impacted the film’s box office collections.
Heading to OTT Sooner Than Expected!
Amazon Prime Video has acquired the OTT rights for ‘Operation Valentine.’ However, due to the lackluster box office performance, the film is expected to premiere on OTT shortly. It might be available on Prime Video by the end of March or the first week of April. Meanwhile, Varun Tej is currently working on his next movie, ‘Matka.’
Operation Valentine Box Office Collections.
As per ‘Sacnik’ the collection details of ‘Operation Valentine’, Varun Tej’s movie amassed net collections of Rs. 4.42 crores in the Telugu states, Rs. 1.29 crores in Hindi, and Rs. 5.71 crores nationwide over three days. Additionally, the overseas net collections stood at Rs. 0.25 crores, bringing the total for ‘Operation Valentine’ to Rs. 6 crores.