The latest film starring Mega Hero Varun Tej, ‘Operation Valentine’, set against the backdrop of the Indian Air Force, has become a hot topic in the industry after facing several delays and finally making its way to theaters today. Released in both Telugu and Hindi, the film received positive feedback from its premiere shows held on Thursday evening, enjoying a good response in both Telugu states. Interestingly, on the day of its release, the OTT partner for the film was locked.
Coming to OTT in a Month!
‘Operation Valentine‘ has secured its digital rights with Amazon Prime Video for a hefty sum. It’s understood that a deal for a four-week window was negotiated, indicating that the film could stream on OTT in the first week of April. Dubbing works for other South Indian languages are expected to be completed within a month, while the Hindi version is slated to be available after eight weeks.
Career-Best Performance
Varun Tej’s performance in ‘Operation Valentine‘ is being widely praised. With what is considered his career-best performance, he has captivated audiences by immersing himself into the role of a true fighter pilot. His portrayal in emotional scenes has also been highly appreciated. Manushi Chhillar, playing the female lead, has done justice to her significant role. The duo’s on-screen chemistry is a highlight, while the rest of the cast have performed commendable within their roles.