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  • OTT Suggestion: Looking for the Best Investigative Thriller This Weekend? Check Out This Malayalam Film ‘Iratta’ !

    In the era of OTT platforms, crime and suspense thrillers have gained significant popularity. As the weekend approaches, Telugu audiences are increasingly eager to explore such films, often searching OTT platforms for thrilling content. For those looking for a top investigative thriller to watch this weekend, YouSay recommends a successful Malayalam film, which is also available in Telugu.

    Where is it streaming?

    Malayalam directors are frequently ahead of their counterparts from other Indian languages in creating crime and suspense thrillers. The film ‘Iratta‘ is a prime example. Having achieved success in Tamil, it is now available for streaming on Netflix. Directed by Rohit M.G. Krishnan, the film stars Joju George and Anjali in key roles. Released in 2023, watching this film over the weekend might leave you questioning why it took you so long to discover it.

    What’s the story?

    A ceremony is organized at a police station in Kerala with the Forest Minister as the guest of honor. Suddenly, a gunshot disrupts the event, and everyone rushes to the site. There, they find ASI Vinod (played by Joju George) dead, with no clear suspect. In response, the police station is immediately locked down, preventing everyone from leaving while an investigation unfolds. Upon hearing of the incident, Vinod’s twin brother, DSP Pramod (also portrayed by Joju George), hurries to the scene. The mystery deepens: Who is responsible for Vinod’s death? What sparked a conflict between the twin brothers, Pramod and Vinod? And who is Malini (Anjali) within this story?

    Why watch it?

    ‘Iratta’ means ‘two’ in Malayalam, and the director has intertwined a family drama with a crime and suspense thriller. The presence of three policemen at the time of Vinod’s death and their conflicts with him heightens the intrigue of the investigation. What were the three policemen doing when Vinod died? What is their conflict with him about? These aspects are intriguingly portrayed while introducing more complexities, making the viewing experience thrilling. The flashback scenes involving Pramod and Vinod’s father are particularly gripping, offering a realistic touch. Overall, ‘Iratta’ is a superb thriller, and those sensitive to intense scenes should proceed with caution.

    Telugu.yousay.tv Rating: 3/5

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