Icon star Allu Arjun‘s blockbuster, ‘Pushpa‘, directed by Sukumar, made waves at a pan-India level, catapulting Bunny to national fame. For his performance, Allu Arjun earned the National Award for Best Actor. Currently, the eagerly awaited sequel is in production. The makers have recently released the title song of ‘Pushpa 2’, and its catchy hook step has quickly gone viral, inspiring numerous reels. Notably, a video featuring a Nigerian performing this step has gained significant popularity online.
Pushpa 2 Mania!
Noel Robinson, a Nigerian living in Germany known for creating popular dance reels and gathering millions of followers, recently traveled to India. While riding a local train in Mumbai, he performed the single leg step from the ‘Pushpa 2’ title song, delighting fellow travelers. The local passengers cheered Noel on, and he posted the video on social media, where it has since gone viral. Fans of Allu Arjun, affectionately known as Bunny, are thrilled, noting that Allu Arjun’s popularity has transcended international boundaries.
Melody Song Coming!
The title song of ‘Pushpa 2‘ has surpassed expectations, bringing joy to the film unit. This time around, the makers are set to release a melody as the second song, aiming to replicate the success of ‘Srivalli’ from the first Pushpa film, which garnered widespread acclaim. Preparations are underway to release this new melody soon, and fans of Allu Arjun are eagerly anticipating it. Devi Sri Prasad, known for his musical talent, is once again the composer for the film.
Release Date?
‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ is scheduled for theatrical release on August 15 this year and will be available in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Bengali. The film has already achieved record-breaking pre-release business levels. Additionally, it has set records with the sale of its Hindi rights in North India, overshadowing Bollywood releases. The movie features prominent actors Fahadh Faasil, Jagapathi Babu, Sunil, Anasuya, and Rao Ramesh in key roles.