After achieving global success with the movie ‘RRR’, the esteemed director S.S. Rajamouli is known to be working on his next project with Mahesh Babu. As one of India’s most anticipated movies set to be made on a Hollywood scale, the audience is eagerly awaiting its release. Rumors are circulating that the regular shooting for this movie will begin soon. Amidst this, news about Mahesh’s character in ‘SSMB29’ is creating a buzz online, exciting Mahesh fans immensely.
Mahesh’s Dual Role!
According to the latest buzz, Mahesh is rumored to be playing a dual role in Rajamouli’s upcoming ‘SSMB29’. However, there has been no official confirmation from Rajamouli’s team regarding this news. If this turns out to be true, it would indeed be great news for the superstar’s fans. The film circles are abuzz that Mahesh will be seen in a very intense role in this movie, promising a never-before-seen avatar of Mahesh.
The Inspiration Behind SSMB29’s Story!
The Mahesh-Rajamouli film is rumored to be an adventure thriller set against the backdrop of Africa. Vijayendra Prasad, Rajamouli’s father and renowned writer, recently spoke about the movie’s story in an interview. “Both Rajamouli and I are big fans of South African novelist Wilbur Smith. That’s why I attempted to write this movie’s script based on his novels. However, Rajamouli’s screenplay will have its unique mark,” he said. M.M. Keeravani is providing the music for the film.
Nani in a Special Role..!
Another rumor circulating is that young hero Nani might play a special role in ‘SSMB 29’. With the film being made for a global audience, Rajamouli is said to be bringing on board actors from Tollywood to Hollywood for various roles. In this context, Nani’s name is being finalized for one such role, fueled by the good relationship between Rajamouli and Nani. Rajamouli’s team needs to provide clarity on this. Nani previously acted in Rajamouli’s ‘Eega‘, earning fame despite a small role..
Rapid Pre-production Work!
Currently, Rajamouli and his team of 200 members are busy with pre-production work. There is much speculation in film circles about how many more will join the team once the sets are built. ‘SSMB29’ is set to be an action thriller unfolding in the Amazon jungles, crafted in the style of Indiana Jones by Rajamouli in collaboration with Hollywood filmmakers. Rumors suggest that Indonesian actress Chelsea Elizabeth Islan has been chosen as the heroine for the movie.