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  • Girls, Here’s How to Gracefully Say No This Valentine’s Day

    Love stirs the human heart with profound turmoil, unmatched by any other emotional experience. It triggers a unique chaos of hormones throughout the body. While some pursue the affection of another with zeal, others struggle, uncertain of how to convey their feelings. Then there are those who pause, unsure how to gently turn down a proposal of love directed at them. Expressing love is hard. But rejecting that love can be even harder. Even a slight misstep can shatter not just our heart but also the heart of the other person.

    So, how do you say ‘no’ without causing him pain? Read below

    Be Direct Without Beating Around the Bush

    When a boy proposes to you, say no directly. Dilly-dallying or giving mixed signals is not good for either of you.

    Here are some phrases to help you say no directly.

    I’m not interested

    This is a simple, non-hurtful way to say no without causing pain to the other person.

    It won’t work out

    In our culture, love often intertwines with the expectation of marriage. If you think it won’t work out, say it sooner rather than later. Don’t hesitate. If there’s a valid reason it won’t work out, you can say so.

    Similarly, some phrases might give the other person hope even if you say ‘no’. Stay away from those. Here are some examples.

    I need time

    You might use this phrase to dodge the situation and think it over. But it gives the boy hope that you might say yes eventually. If you ever use this phrase, make sure to say no as soon as possible.

    I’ll tell you later

    This is similar to asking for more time. When it’s hard to say no directly to their face, ‘later’ might seem like a good escape. But as soon as possible, even through other means, say no.

    Don’t be harsh

    Simply saying no is enough. Don’t hurt their feelings. Avoid saying things like “You’re not that important” or “Why would I love someone like you?” Such hurtful words should be avoided. Whether the other person is sensitive or not, you might end up in a situation where you feel guilty.


    If the boy is someone you already know, a good person, but you just don’t see him that way, offer friendship. Clearly state that you don’t have those feelings for him and suggest staying friends. There’s a high chance he’ll agree.

    But once you agree to be friends, don’t change your mind. No matter how many messages he sends or if you feel pity for him, don’t change your stance. If you truly start to feel love for him, think about why you said no in the first place.

    If he’s already a friend

    Sometimes, your friend might propose to you. You might never have seen him that way. That doesn’t mean you should block his number and treat him as an enemy from then on.

    Don’t Raise Hopes

    When a boy proposes to you and you’re not interested, you should say ‘No’ and not adopt the attitude of “Let’s think about it in the future.” This only raises his hopes. Whether it works out in the future or not, if you’re thinking no now, then saying no is the best option.

    If You’re Already in Love

    If you’re already in love with another boy, just say so directly. None of the responses mentioned above will work in this situation. Saying “I’m already in love” can be easily will be understood.

    These are just some suggestions on how to say no to a proposal. Ultimately, based on the personality and behavior of the person who proposed, you’ll know the best way to say no. Do what you feel is right.

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