Starring Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, the latest film “Game Changer” is being shaped as a political action entertainer under the direction of Tamil star director Shankar. The movie’s shooting is currently happening at RK Beach in Visakhapatnam. As the filming is taking place in an open place, photos related to the main cast are getting leaked from the shooting spot. Recently, Ram Charan’s look was revealed and it went trending on the net. Now, photos and videos related to heroine Kiara’s look have also surfaced online and are going viral. On the other hand, “Game Changer” seems to be positioning itself as a competitor against Tarak’s “Devara” or Chiranjeevi’s “Vishwambhara.”
The menace of leaks!
“Game Changer” is being haunted by the menace of leaks. Despite numerous efforts by the film unit to control them, it seems to be of no use. Recently, photos of heroine Kiara leaked from the Visakhapatnam shooting spot, causing concern among the makers. Meanwhile, Kiara looks stunning in these photos, shining brightly in a saree like a traditional Telugu girl. Fans are fawning over her looks and pairing her photos with the already released photos of Ram Charan, commenting that their pair is super. Here are the photos for you to see.
Considering Dussehra and Sankranti!
With “Game Changer” nearing its final stages of shooting, a new discussion about the film’s release is brewing in the industry. The production house is also waiting for the right date, and there’s talk that producer Dil Raju is considering two major festivals. He is contemplating how it would be if “Game Changer” is released during Dussehra or Sankranti. Given the film’s massive budget, festival days would be ideal, it’s thought. The makers plan to announce this alongside the release of the song “Jaragandi..” on Ram Charan’s birthday on March 27. The unit is planning the post-production works and contemplating announcing the date.
Chiru – Charan – Tarak.. Big Fight!
However, two big hero movies are already lined up for Dussehra and Sankranti. Jr NTR‘s film “Devara” directed by Koratala Siva is set to release as a Dussehra gift on October 10. Meanwhile, Megastar Chiranjeevi‘s “Vishwambhara” is rapidly progressing in its shooting to be released for Sankranti. With “Game Changer” likely to fix one of these festivals for its release, the industry is bracing for another big fight. Will Ram Charan compete against Jr NTR, with whom he acted in “RRR”, or will he challenge his father? This has become an interesting question. Clarity on this may come on March 27, on the occasion of Ram Charan’s birthday.
Crazy News on Charan’s New Movie!
After “Game Changer,” Ram Charan is set to work on a film directed by Buchi Babu. Bollywood star heroine Janhvi Kapoor is rumored to be pairing with Charan in this film. There is also news of a special role in this movie, for which Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan is expected to act, aiming at the pan-India market. Additionally, Bobby Deol, who captivated audiences as a villain in “Animal,” might also have a chance to act in this film, potentially as an antagonist to Charan. Official announcements from the film unit are awaited regarding these developments.