It’s already known that Nandamuri Balakrishna and director Boyapati have a film in the works, which is generating quite a buzz. This project, tentatively titled ‘NBK109’, has been making headlines for a while now. The glimpses of this film, which is currently in production, were released during the occasion of Shivaratri. Balakrishna appears to be in a powerful avatar in this venture. What’s special about this film’s production is the involvement of Trivikram’s Fortune Four Entertainment in co-production. Interestingly, even before the release of ‘NBK109’, it’s been revealed that Balakrishna has already lined up his 110th film. Presently, it has become a hot topic in the industry.
Balakrishna – Boyapati Combo Repeats!
In Tollywood, there’s a good craze for films featuring Balakrishna directed by Boyapati Srinu. Their collaboration has produced hits like ‘Simha‘, ‘Legend’, and ‘Akhanda’, which have all been well-received. According to the latest buzz, Balakrishna is gearing up to work with Boyapati Srinu again for his 110th film. Reports suggest that the script for ‘NBK110’ has already been finalized. Apart from the movie, there are also some changes happening as per Balakrishna’s requests. There’s a chance of an official announcement regarding this film very soon.
Is the Next Film ‘Akhanda 2’?
Balakrishna’s 110th film is being produced under the Geetha Arts banner by Allu Aravind. After ‘Akhanda‘, there were talks about a sequel directed by Boyapati Srinu. However, it was later revealed that ‘Akhanda’ sequel is being produced by Miryala Ravinder Reddy. So, the possibility of ‘Akhanda 2’ being made under Balakrishna – Boyapati’s combination remains uncertain. It’s speculated that a new film might take shape instead of ‘Akhanda 2’. The clarity on this will likely come on April 9th, which is when the official announcement about Balakrishna’s next film is expected. Meanwhile, Thaman has been roped in to compose music for ‘NBK110’.
Shoot Postponed Until AP Elections!
Currently, Balakrishna is busy with political activities in Andhra Pradesh after the initial phase of elections commenced in the state. Balakrishna, who is directing the film under Bobby’s direction, is working hard to finish ‘NBK109’ soon. He’s keen on wrapping up the shooting schedule related to his role in this film before focusing on the AP politics. Presently, Balakrishna is contesting as a MLA candidate from Hindupuram for TDP party . He’s preparing campaign strategies to travel locally. The regular shooting of ‘NBK110’ with Boyapati is expected to commence only after the AP elections.
My Film with Nani’s Director!
Balakrishna has already lined up several exciting projects. He recently gave the green signal to another young director, Rahul Sankrityan, who achieved massive success with ‘Taxiwala’ and ‘Shyam Singha Roy‘. News has surfaced that Balakrishna has okayed a story narrated by Rahul Sankrityan. The script impressed Balakrishna, and he’s ready to proceed with this project. Discussions are ongoing regarding the storyline of this movie, which will be confirmed upon Balakrishna’s complete satisfaction. Currently, amidst all the discussions, Balakrishna is looking to make a mark in the upcoming AP elections before delving into his next film project.