Tollywood actor Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and renowned actress Sobhita Dhulipala are soon to be united in marriage. Their engagement ceremony was recently held in the presence of family members, a grand affair announced personally by Akkineni Nagarjuna, which quickly went viral. However, Naga Chaitanya was previously married to star actress Samantha. Due to disagreements, they separated. With Naga Chaitanya’s recent engagement, the topic of his divorce has resurfaced. There is also a discussion online suggesting that marriages do not seem to last in the Akkineni family, with netizens recalling that nearly four couples within the family have gone through divorces. Let’s now look into the details of these instances.
The Akkineni Family
Even before the divorce between Naga Chaitanya and Samantha, four other couples in the family had already ended their marriages. The legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao and Annapurnamma had five children, among them, Akkineni Nagarjuna became a well-known actor. Their eldest son, Akkineni Venkat, produced several films. Their daughter, Satyavati’s children, Sumanth and Supriya, are also well-recognized in the Telugu film industry. Another daughter, Nagasusheela’s son Sushanth, is also making his mark as an actor.
Nagarjuna’s Divorce
Sumanth’s Divorce
Sumanth, the nephew of Nagarjuna and son of Satyavati and Surendra Yarlagadda, was doing well in his career when he fell in love with actress Keerthi Reddy, famed for ‘Tholi Prema‘. They married in August 2004 but, for unknown reasons, divorced two years later. Keerthi Reddy settled in Bangalore, while Sumanth has remained single and is recently becoming busy with films again.
Tragedy in Supriya’s Life
Sumanth’s sister, Supriya Yarlagadda, also faced a similar situation. She debuted as an actress in the movie ‘Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi‘, starring Pawan Kalyan. Later, she distanced herself from acting and got more involved in film production. Eventually, she married an actor named Charan Reddy with the approval of her elders, but their marriage did not last long. Charan Reddy passed away due to health issues, and since then, she has been living alone.
Cancellation of Akhil’s Marriage
Before the marriage of Naga Chaitanya and Samantha, Akhil Akkineni was ready to tie the knot. His engagement also took place with Shriya Bhupal, a relative of Ram Charan’s wife Upasana. However, this did not lead to marriage. For some reasons, Akhil and Shriya’s wedding was canceled. Following the cancellation, Shriya Bhupal married another man, while Akhil has been striving for success in the film industry.
Naga Chaitanya and Samantha’s Divorce
In 2017, Naga Chaitanya and Samantha got married in Goa, after a love that blossomed following their acquaintance during the making of the movie ‘Ye Maaya Chesave’ in 2010. After seven years of being in a relationship, they got married and were recognized as Tollywood’s cute couple. Unexpectedly, they divorced in 2021, shocking fans and the entire cinema world. At that time, Samantha was heavily criticized, with some blaming her bold roles in films post-marriage as the reason for their separation.